JUST SAY NO! to 50 shades… | My 1st un-review


Please… please don’t go to see the “50 shades” movie this weekend…

NEVER… that’s when you should see it… never.

Don’t see the movie… and don’t read the books.


There is a massive facebook/twitter campaign going on right now against the heinous 50 shades… movie and books.





Please stand with me as I spread the word to my family, friends and readers. 

Please do everything possible to protect others from the damaging and devastating effects of this series!




I have not – and I will not – read the books – or watch the movie!

I know that there are times that Christian leaders feel the need to read or watch what they are begging their followers to oppose – so that they have all the information they need to present a case.

But in my opinion, that is a very bad idea! Exposing your mind to ANYTHING of this nature is inviting the devil to create a foothold in your very soul – which he will then use to push more sin into your life.




Allowing this story into your head allows it into your heart, your mind, your soul!

You think you can handle it. You tell yourself that you need to be able to make an informed argument. You tell yourself that you need to have ammo to feed that argument. You tell yourself that you can’t really argue against something you haven’t read or watched personally…

But this series is FAR TOO DANGEROUS to adhere to these rationales.




We need to send a strong message to the makers of the movie.

They NEED TO KNOW we are serious!

They NEED TO KNOW that they will not tear down strong women… men… families… marriages!

They NEED TO KNOW that we will not lay down and let them roll right over us!

We NEED to stand up for our daughters, our sisters, our mothers, and our friends!


No one has the right to treat you like a thing!

No one has the right to treat you like trash!

No one has the right to degrade you and drag you down!




The greatest trick the devil ever played on women was to make them think submission equals abuse… and then to make them think that choosing to be abused is not abuse but is instead, empowerment – that it is fun, exciting, sexy…


Choosing it does not make it LOVE!

Choosing it does not make it RIGHT!

Choosing it does not make it ENJOYABLE!

It doesn’t matter if it’s consensual or not. It doesn’t matter if it’s by choice or not. It doesn’t matter if it’s “fiction” or not!
Abuse and degradation are nothing to take lightly or as something that is OK as long as we’re talking about two adults or even as long as we are talking about fiction!

It is NEVER OK – not in a fictional story, not in a movie, and certainly not in reality!


Please say NO to 50 Shades… this Valentine’s Day!CLICK TO TWEET!


Stand with us – Make Valentine’s Day a day of TRUE romance!CLICK TO TWEET!


Remember the true meaning of Valentine’s Day this year – Say no to 50 Shades!CLICK TO TWEET!


Thank you, Rachel Miller, for sharing your blogpost and pictures. I appreciate your support and I hope my readers do, too.


Copyright © 2013-2015 donnasbookshelf.


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One thought on “JUST SAY NO! to 50 shades… | My 1st un-review

  1. conniepsaunders February 13, 2015 at 5:49 pm

    Thank you Donna and Rachel for the stand you are taking against abuse and exploitation. I haven’t read the books and I will not be watching the movie. I am a retired librarian and I was the cataloger for almost 20 years. For those unfamiliar with library science, this duty involves scanning the book that is being entered into your library collection. It was very obvious that 50 Shades of Grey was not suitable reading material for a Christian. Explicit sexuality jumped out from the pages and reviews have consistently confirmed this. The movie trailers are suggesting the same.

    God created humans to have a sexual nature but He intended the sexual act to be a pure and sacred act between husband and wife. I know that the movie release on Valentine’s Day weekend is considered to be a clever marketing move but I am sorry that this day that use to be a reminder of friendship and love is now being used to promote sadism and abuse! I just hope that it won’t be as successful as predicted and it is up to us to make this happen!


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